Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Student E-books

I love the Cult of Pedagogy!  Thanks, Mindy Larew, for introducing me to it.  Here is a post about creating student e-books that I thought some of you might like and/or might like to pass on.  Here's another link with Earth Day ideas.  You are leaders in your schools--even more so now!

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Window is Open!

Our final three meetings this semester will be reading for each other, re-writing, formatting videos, and uploading work.  Laura will give a short presentation at the April 19th meeting about uploading your materials.  We should have additional tech support, and there is also a scanner for your use if you need one.

Here is the agenda for the April 19th meeting:

National Board Support Cohort
April 19, 2016
Bridgeport Middle School

1.    Presentation:  Laura Trent—uploading documents

2.    Whole group or small group work:  reading for your cohort members

3.    Scan and upload documents to your National Board account.  DO NOT SUBMIT yet.

4.    You may send a word document of your Component 2 or Component 3 writing to Joetta at any time.  Do not type your name on it; instead, use your candidate ID number.  She will forward it to an NBCT who will serve as a “blind reader.”

5.    For next meeting on April 19th bring in one document you would like to upload.  Laura Trent will be helping us begin this process.  You may also bring documents you would like to scan.

·      Last read due May 9th
·      Assemble and label files according to directions
·      Convert video to correct format
·      Convert all documents to PDF form
·      Schedule assessment center
·      Set up study time for assessment center