Monday, May 22, 2017

Information for New Candidates--Cohort 3

If you have friends or colleagues who are curious about the process, there will be an informational meeting on Thursday, May 25th, at the new BOE board room from 3:45-4:45.

If any school would like to offer this same presentation at their school for their faculty, please have them contact Joetta at extension 7262.

Thank you!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

You Can Do It!

It's the home stretch!  All of us as mentors have been privileged to see your thoughts become more polished and refined; your reasoning and thinking about your practice becoming more laser-focused!

What a gratifying process for you!  You are growing by leaps and bounds!

Congratulations on your completion of this year's work--both in the classroom and your National Board journey.
