Thursday, August 17, 2017

New Cohort Sessions Starting Soon!

Cohort meetings will begin meeting the week of September 11th!  This year the actual meetings will be unpaid, but more locations will be offered for your convenience.  There should be cohort meetings in each attendance area, and I'll get those exact dates, times, and locations out to you by the end of the month.

What can you be doing now to prepare?

1- Familiarize yourself the NEW site, --this became live on Friday, July 28th.

2- Send home a cover letter and a permission slip to each student in all your classes now because it's easier to get parents to returned signed papers right now and it won't hurt anything if you don't need them.  Here's the link to the permission slip.
Note*  There is a form letter available on the website, but many teachers revise it.  Then, they attach the National Board's Student Release Form to their more personalized and family friendly letter.
3- Follow Lesley's suggestions for choosing your certificate area--this can be changed later so just make your best choice now and get started.

4- Print your certificate area standards; hopefully you can print them in your school's computer lab!

5- Plan to attend a meeting from 3:30- 5:00 somewhere in the county the week of September 11th or on September 18th.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Lesley Morgan was one of our first NBCT candidates in our Harrison County cohort.  She began the process with us when the National Board hadn't even finished developing the new process, so she's seen this new process from the beginning!  Lesley is one of our cohort members who has experience with all Components 1-4, and she's started a website for teachers!

Here's a link to her awesomeness!  Let us know if you have resources you want to offer to our teachers, and we'll be glad to post them for you.