Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dear Joetta… I would like to see an example of someone's work...

Dear candidate,

:-)  I totally get that!  It feels like you are running blind here!  

It is an overwhelming process, but one that is do-able.  It takes time to feel comfortable with this project and it seems vague because NBCTs aren't ethically allowed to show their work to anyone.  

At the training this summer the trainer said, "No, no and no."  Although all teachers want to see an exemplar of work, the National Board doesn't want any one cookie cutter mold to develop--which happens when teachers see an example.  

Seriously, I can see you are a good teacher and a smart teacher who wants to do your best.  You can trust me and the other mentors to guide you correctly and enjoy and appreciate your unique approach.  It will be hard to trust this process, but if you allow yourself to just begin, over time you will find yourself swimming and be very proud of yourself.  Because of the new system, you will not "fail" but rather get a formative score so you can make decisions about additional work.  That was a good decision on the part of the National Board.  

I will definitely help you find an NBCT in your area to read your work and mentor you.  I'll also explain to you how the work is scored, which will help you make decisions in January/February.   Sorry the answer may not be what you had hoped for, but this is why I keep encouraging you to embark on the journey, realizing you will get your "aha moment."

:-)  Joetta 

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