Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Scores are In!

Get ready for a somewhat technical and analytical blog post!

First of all, congratulations! Saturday our Cohort 1 group received their first set of scores.  Many have emailed me to tell me how it went, and others haven't yet, but I did put up an anonymous survey through SurveyMonkey so they can report their scores without having to talk about this very personal experience at this time.  I hope to get the basic data out to you once I've received all the replies.

So far the scores I've seen are encouraging.  The reported scores on Component 1 indicate to me that teachers who've been teaching their content for awhile might find this to be the easiest for them.  (I'm not sure if that will hold for CTE teachers; we'll know more after the first CTE candidates take their test this Spring.)

Don't we all appreciate Cohort 1 who were our "guinea pigs!"  They are the first teachers I know of who submitted entries under the new process.

What should you do now if you are a Cohort 1 member?  Well, as long as you achieved a 1.75 or higher, you don't need to redo your component(s).

40% of your total score comes from Component 1 (yellow area on pie graph.)
60% of your total score comes from the three portfolio-based Components (2,3, and 4.)

There is also an easier, online score calculator linked to your score reports if you received scores. 

If your scores aren't as high as you wanted them to be, take heart!  There was an old program called "Take One" with the National Board.  However, it was unpopular because the first scores were often low!  It discouraged candidates.  You may remember us as mentors emphasizing the developmental nature of the National Board process--you generally get better at understanding what to do with each completed component.  For example, I heard two Cohort 1 candidates discussing how to reflect on Component 4 the other night.  They haven't even begun it yet, but already they can anticipate what they need to do.  Do you know more than you did six months ago?

Good teachers can be hard on themselves.   Those of us who've previously achieved certification would have felt the same as you do if we'd gotten back only our lowest score... but this new process allows for formative assessment.  You don't have to just do the whole kit-n-caboodle wrong and then get smashed flat with a "failure."  Remember that this is potentially a three-year process and you are probably learning a lot.  If you made higher than a 1.75, you are fine.  Can you commit to your guinea-pig-ism and forge the way for those following you?  Ask for help from any mentor if needed.  Talk to trusted cohort members.  You won't be able to seriously assess your potential to pass this thing till this time next year.  Sorry, but get a little rest and then, "Onward!"  Cohort 1, we love you.  And we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for what you are doing.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Component 4

Component 4 varies a little by certificate area, but overall, you are demonstrating that you can reach out to a community, be a leader, and a learner... as needed to make data-driven decisions about teaching and assessing your students.  For example, here are some questions for AYA Science about the teacher's role as a learner:

  1. 3. Participation in Learning Communities (Suggested length: 2 pages) In this section, address the following questions:
    •   How did you identify the area of need for professional learning? What factors or information did you consider in determining how to meet that need? What impact did addressing the professional learning need have on student learning?
    •   How did you identify the student need requiring advocacy, collaboration, and/or your leadership? Whom did you work with and what was your role? What factors or information did you consider in determining how to meet the student need? Was the need schoolwide or content-specific? What impact did addressing the student need have on student learning? 
This isn't really as different from the "old" documented accomplishments as we may have originally thought, but it does sharpen the focus of your professional development and learning so that it pinpoints your needs in the classroom--teaching your students.

If you need professional development resources for Component 4, maybe there would be opportunities through wvlearns.  Check here to see if there might be PD opportunities to help you with your NBCT goal!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Jenny's PowerPoint

Some of you have asked for Jenny's PowerPoint, so here it is!  To see Stephanie's PowerPoint, click here!

Still Waiting For Scores...

Well, so far I haven't heard that your scores have been released.  They often had them ready during Thanksgiving Break, but I guess they don't this year.   I see on the website that you are due to receive them by December 31st.  I'm sorry you have to wait longer.  🙁

Here is the agenda for our next meeting (December 6th or 8th):

3:30-3:45     Sign in and check grad credit assignments with Joetta

3:45-4:15     Helen Roberts-- Self-editing Your Rough Draft

4:25-5:30     Work Sessions and meetings with mentors; Component 4 Candidates will work to compile a checklist for the component

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Concord University Fees and Applications Due for Fall

If you haven't submitted your $99 and Concord University application to me for the graduate credit for Component 2 work, please email or call me.  I need to get that from you by Friday.  I think I have most of them.  Thank you!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Homework and Assignments

You should have been collecting data or work from students as you teach your first attempt at Component 2.  You may end up giving this another shot in the Spring, but until then, just go through the process with whatever you have going on right now.  You will develop clarity as you go through the motions--you know, "wax on; wax off."

You may have videotaped a class to get used to the idea and the equipment.  The only reason to bring the video to class on the 15th is to get credit for that on my graduate class spread sheet.  Even if you aren't taking the grad class, please check in with me about the spread sheet so we can touch base and I can be a sounding board to whatever you've got going on.

You should begin to write answers to the questions posed for you in Component 2.  You are supposed to have a rough, rough draft by Thanksgiving Break.  I would like to see what you have done so I can help keep you accountable.  Over Thanksgiving Break you should revise it so you and a mentor can discuss it at the December Meeting.

Agenda for November 15th or November 17th

3:30 Sign In and Submit Concord University Applications and Payment 
         (I will mail these in on November 20th)
3:45-4:15 "Writing Clearly and Concisely" Activity--Jenny Santilli, Ed.D, NBCT, 2008
4:20-4:30 Video Analysis Worksheet Activity--Joetta Schneider, NBCT 2006, 2016
4:30-5:30  Cohort Collaboration and work; check in with Joetta re: assignments for grade book; work with mentors who are available

Friday, November 4, 2016

Let's Talk About Money

©  | Dreamstime Stock Photos

How will you pay for the components you want to complete this year?  And WHO, at the National Board, decided this bill should come due a month after Christmas?  

Here are some thoughts about financing this journey:

1- There is up to $500 in seed money available from our county to Harrison County NBCT candidates.  The intent of the seed money is to remove barriers teachers might have in beginning this process.  You could use this money to pay for one of your components.  Tip:  file for the money, receive it, and pay immediately for the component you are sure you will complete by June.  You can pay for a component now.  You don't have to wait until January.  Some caveats:  You must have a candidate ID# which you can get by paying $75 here when you sign up to become a National Board Candidate.  Don't worry, this $75 is reimbursable by the state of WV.  Another thing, if you don't complete the entire process, you will have to return the $500 to the county.

Now you have one component paid for, and if you pay for two components, you can get reimbursed by the state very quickly after you've paid for both of them.  The state calls paying for two components your commitment to enrollment.  Can you find $500 additional dollars?  What about the medical allotment on December 5th?  After you buy both components, you can file immediately for reimbursement of both components and the $75 registration fee.  You can also file for reimbursement of graduate class fees, like the $99 grad credit you can get from Concord for our work this semester.  It typically takes a few weeks to get that money back.  In fact, the state of WV will reimburse up to $600 in other expenses you have in materials and graduate work you have while you are a candidate (keep your receipts.)  It's like money in the bank.  

2-  You are receiving stipends for attending the cohort meetings if you are a Harrison County teacher. During the first semester, you were paid for five 2-hour meetings.  That's up to $350 this semester.  Unfortunately, we are only paying for one hour meetings second semester, but that is still an additional $175 if you attend those meetings.  

3- You don't have to pass to be reimbursed.  You do have to try to grow as a teacher, to reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses, and to do the best you can do this year to teach your students with the ideas of the National Board in mind.

4-  Keep the end in mind:  You are going to be reimbursed for the work of professional growth you are doing, and you will make $4000 more per year with ultimately no cost to you.  This is a better deal than a Master's Degree.

If you have any questions about this post, you can call me at extension 7262 or email me.  And you can try my cell.  But, as my husband is fond of telling me, I am not great about paying attention to my phone!  I am very passionate about this opportunity for you, but please don't be afraid of that.  If you aren't ready, I totally get it.  I thought about it and attended the informational meeting three times before I was ready.  But if it's only the money thing, my advice is to get a running start and jump that stinkin' hurdle!  

And...on a more professional note, let's be thankful for the leadership in Harrison County and in our state who have made this process financially possible for us as teachers.  :-)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Renewal Candidates Achieved Recertification

Good News!  All four renewal candidates in our cohort received their recertification.  This can be a one or two year process--on the old system.  They will be honored at the NBCT dinner this Spring.  If you are a current candidate, please consider attending the dinner (details will be announced soon.)  The cost is $25.  This money is banked to help pay for other honorees in the future, and there may be many in the Spring of 2017 and 2018!

You don't have to be perfect to be a National Board Certified Teacher, but you are probably someone who keeps trying to add to your expertise in the classroom.  You are valuable.  Thanks for all you do.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Graduate Credit

This just in!  Concord University has given us permission to offer up to 15 hours for National Board completion and achievement, based on the number of hours listed on the National Board website.

After January, we should have classes:  NBCT Component 1, NBCT Component 2, NBCT Component 3, and NBCT Component 4.  We will also have a course titled, "NBCT Achievement."  This means you can get up to 15 graduate credit hours for professional development purposes.  You may take up to 9 grad hours per semester, for $99 per course.

The course we have been offering, "Accomplished Teaching", will be changed to "Component 2."  If you have completed some of these other Components and I have record of your work, you can talk with me about how to receive that credit as long as it is before you achieve your NBCT.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Speculation About Component 4--If you are ready for it.

Visit this blog post to read their early analysis of the Component 4 field test.  This was written last March, but remains our only information about the last component until November.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Please Bring This to the Next Meeting

For the October 18th or October 20th meeting--whichever you would like to attend--please bring two samples of student work.  You only need to bring the work of one student.  What I'd like you to do is look at your Component 2 instructions for the type of work you will eventually submit.  For example, CTE teachers will need to bring two assessments:  one of them, a formative assessment of some type, and the other a project-oriented assessment.  Don't get stuck on this, the National Board accepts whatever that looks like in YOUR room.  This is our practice run and it doesn't matter if it's not perfect.

Another example:  In the instructions for Component 2 for Science Teachers, you need to collect work from students over a timeframe of instruction, with the last one being a traditional form of assessment--test, quiz, journal entry, lab report, etc., and the first one being some kind of writing about an activity that built their understanding toward the assessment.  (I am speaking in generalizations about these examples because YOU need to be the expert on your own Component.)

In summary, read about the type of student work you are supposed to submit for your Component 2 and pick the closest assignments you can to the requirements for that entry from something you have taught for this six weeks.  Then photocopy the student work with the name whited out and bring it, with your Component 2 instructions, with you to the October meeting.  We are going to practice answering questions about that work.

How Exciting!  You can do this!  :-)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Contextual Information Sheet Due Sept. 30th

Good Afternoon, and Happy Friday!  To clarify, the Contextual Information sheet is about your school.  So we are looking at average class size in your school, etc.  You will write about your class when you are writing Component 2.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Resource Suggestion from Stacy Ward, NBCT

Stacy noticed this article on Edutopia and believes it will help when we plan our lessons.  Looking at the topic list, I'd say these types of activities are highly engaging and good practices.  Thanks, Stacy!

Monday, September 12, 2016

NBCT Cohort Meeting September 13th or 15th

Both meetings this week will follow this agenda:

3:30             Sign in and bring student release forms to Joetta for progress check
3:45-4:15     Missy Hinerman presents: Using Kagan Strategies for Student Engagement
4:15-5:15     Breaking into cohort groups:
  • Cohort I-- work session planning for Components 2&3
  • Cohort II--work session one-to-one discussion with mentors re: current Component 2 progress 
  • Cohort III--blended into Cohort II 
5:15                Closure and Q&A          

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Another Great Resource for Differentiation of Instruction!

You know how much I love the Cult of Pedagogy!  Today I'm sharing a link to a podcast about using playlists to differentiate instruction.  As you know, much of your Component 2 work will be about differentiating your instruction.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Becoming a Great Teacher Takes Reflection

 Edutopia is always a good resource.  For all of us who are striving for excellence, I thought maybe you'd like to skim this article on How to Become a Great Teacher!  I hope your year is off to a good start.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Preparing For the New School Year

Some of you will be thinking about the first day of school and making some preparations.  Here are a couple of things you can do to prepare for your National Board candidacy that will help you later on.

  1. Consider writing a nice introductory letter--2 or 3 short paragraphs explaining that you are doing your national board certification work this year and letting parents know this is about your efforts to perfect your teaching and that only the National Board will see their child's work and/or video tape that you have to turn in.  Send it with item #2 on this list.
  2. Go to the board certified teachers site and print the Student Release form.  Run it off for every student and pass it out the first day when parents are already signing everything.  Run off a form for each adult or co-teacher you have, too.
  3. Think about a time your could carve out for NBCT work--can you come in to school an hour earlier?  Leave an hour later?  Or is there a place in your house you can work without being interrupted?  Talk to your family about your need for 300-600 hours to do this extra work.  (Depends on whether you are hoping to complete half the process or all of it this year.)  That would be about 7-14 hours a week.)
My opinion is that it would be best to just send these to all your students in case you end up using a different class than you thought you would.  All your bases will be covered.  If you were a founding member of the Harrison County NBCT program, let us know in the comments if there are other tips you can think of for starting the year as an NBCT candidate!  :-)

Friday, May 13, 2016

A Guest Post by "2016 NBCT Candidate"

In a galaxy, not so far away, is a parallel universe that resembles a dark chasm filled with despair and tears of fellow candidates, resides the soul of an unnamed NBCT candidate who wakes at 4:23 in the morning with thoughts of documents not loading, panic and fear that your password isn't working and you forgot to write it down, jumbled dreams of Student A and Student B and their labels not matching their work as identified in Component two on pages 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, and 17. Then the piercing pain that sears through the depths of your soul as you realize you don't have a page 13 ... or 15...  OR 17 because the dark lords of righteous planet known to us peons as NBCT have said you can have no more than 12.  "NO MORE THAN 12!" you hear in a raspy voice filled with hatred and mocking laughter.  "No more than 12 you simpleton.  And you say you're a teacher? Ha! Edit that! Condense! make anew!" The dark lords laugh in your face as they assign your component to be read by an unknown minion who takes up residence on her lounge chair surrounded by her 14 cats and piles of bodice ripper trashy dime novels. Amongst her life's disappointments and shattered dreams she wields her sword, ready, whose aim is true and sharp as it cuts a wide swath of disappointment and travesties through the NBCT Candidate population. 

Then you wake and realize it is simply a dream.  But as you dress for your day of battle, look in the mirror and contemplate the value of the perfectly arched eye brow or penciled lip liner when you have had less than four hours sleep, and what little sleep you had is filled with the hauntings of NBCT, you drive to your classroom as the sane world sleeps and again ask yourself, "Is it worth it?  Will I be one of "those people" who add more initials behind their name on their email signature line, yet again the question of "WHY AM I HERE" crosses your brain.  And the realization hits.  This whole process may not be "worth it".  But when you are at the top of your profession, when you have success after success after success, you are not in this for the lengthy acronym behind your name.  You're not in this for bragging rights.  And let's face it, you're not even in this for the extra point you'll get on the hiring matrix hoping it saves your carcass during the next rift and transfer season.  You're in it for the excuses it gives you to go to Starbucks 13 times a week. Because after all, isn't that why we are all here?

Note--the author of this blog post did not want to be named, but did agree to allow me to post it for your validation!  :-)  J.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Connect Bridgeport Article about National Board

Here is a nice article  about the Harrison County NBCT Dinner.  Thanks to Trina Runner for writing the article and submitting it to Connect-Bridgeport, Connect-Clarksburg, and the Shinnston newspaper!  Trina is considering her bid for National Board with Cohort 2 next year.  In fact, we have had 16 teachers interested in joining next year's Cohort 2.  Thank you, Cohort 1, for being a learning experience!  Keep working--we have 6 days left.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Student E-books

I love the Cult of Pedagogy!  Thanks, Mindy Larew, for introducing me to it.  Here is a post about creating student e-books that I thought some of you might like and/or might like to pass on.  Here's another link with Earth Day ideas.  You are leaders in your schools--even more so now!

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Window is Open!

Our final three meetings this semester will be reading for each other, re-writing, formatting videos, and uploading work.  Laura will give a short presentation at the April 19th meeting about uploading your materials.  We should have additional tech support, and there is also a scanner for your use if you need one.

Here is the agenda for the April 19th meeting:

National Board Support Cohort
April 19, 2016
Bridgeport Middle School

1.    Presentation:  Laura Trent—uploading documents

2.    Whole group or small group work:  reading for your cohort members

3.    Scan and upload documents to your National Board account.  DO NOT SUBMIT yet.

4.    You may send a word document of your Component 2 or Component 3 writing to Joetta at any time.  Do not type your name on it; instead, use your candidate ID number.  She will forward it to an NBCT who will serve as a “blind reader.”

5.    For next meeting on April 19th bring in one document you would like to upload.  Laura Trent will be helping us begin this process.  You may also bring documents you would like to scan.

·      Last read due May 9th
·      Assemble and label files according to directions
·      Convert video to correct format
·      Convert all documents to PDF form
·      Schedule assessment center
·      Set up study time for assessment center

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Using Rubrics

Here's a blog post from Schoology about using rubrics... not necessarily for National Board... just helping you see that there are many great resources out there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Component 3: Good Ideas from Your Mentors

The mentors had a discussion about, well... discussion.  Specifically about the classroom discourse that is the focal point of Component 3, where you demonstrate how you facilitate classroom discourse in the teaching of your content.  They suggested a more structured approach and thinking about strategies---because without carefully crafting our lesson, what we envision as discussion can quickly become teacher-centered talk or even lecture when the students in our classrooms take the easy way out and we allow them to wear us down!  The way to avoid doing all the work in the classroom is to use our strategies.

Here is a link to a great article and podcast.  I love what Jennifer Gonzales says about her advice to student teachers who wrote "Discussion" in their lesson plans. As a host teacher to student teachers, I often said the same thing.  Then why do I often forget about it when I  teach?  :-)

Monday, February 29, 2016

I'm in the Boat

I wasn't being deceptive... but I had not yet paid for my renewal.  It's $1250 and I won't be able to get the money back until I actually "make it."  That will be next December.

For some reason I was stalling.  I went to the renewal class last year so I understand what's involved.  But it seemed like I was too busy--

Does this sound at all familiar?  :-)

But this morning, on the last day to pay--I did.

So I have to upload all my Profile of Professional Growth (which has 4 mini-components called PGEs) by May 18th.

I'm officially in the boat with you although I liked to pretend I didn't need to do this!  It will be good for me, I am sure.

Just wanted to be honest and accountable to you guys.  xoxo  Joetta

Friday, February 26, 2016

Someone Asked for A "Kick in the Pants"

Because the survey evaluation of semester1 support was anonymous, I don't know who wanted one... but really, my job is organized so that I can spend some time helping you get started.  So anytime you need more structure, just email me.  I (or your mentor) will be glad to come to your school and sit with you while you figure out some things.  Ultimately, it's up to you.  But if you need some extra help, you can always ask.  :-)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Go, go, go...

So the old cheer is:
Go, go, go--
go, go
go, go!  

Fight, fight, fight--
fight, fight
fight, fight!  

Win, win, win--
win, win,
win, win!

Some of you may be too young to know about this cheer.  I feel like cheering you on.  Or cheering you up!

A teacher said, "I still feel overwhelmed."  My answer was, "It's time to quit being overwhelmed, and I think the way to stop being overwhelmed is going to be to complete the writing of one of your components."

I say that because, after you've done the writing, you will have been through the process with one component.  Now you just repeat for the rest of your components.

Your "Aha-moment" will probably be after you've been through the process at least once.

If you are still overwhelmed, can you take a professional leave day and go somewhere no one will speak to you?  You have four professional leave days available to you.  Since child care is already arranged, can you go somewhere to work?  Can you make yourself write the whole thing?  You will be okay once you get that first draft done.

Go, Fight, Win!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Turn in Reimbursement Paperwork to Me

Susan Steadman has asked that we turn in the reimbursement paperwork for your two NBCT components and your $75 as a group--and as soon as possible.  I would like you to bring it to BMS on February 23rd for the meeting.  If that's not possible, please email me and I will pick it up.  Let me know if you have any questions.  I want to submit them to her by February 29th because there is a limited amount of funds available and the state will reimburse those whose paperwork gets there first.  So far in the state, this hasn't been a problem, yet we want to make sure we get the money back.  I may be double checking with each of you if I don't get anything from you by February 23rd, just in case.  See you soon!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Breaking It Down

When you pay for two components, you can be reimbursed by the state right away (3-6 weeks.)  When you pay for one component, you have to wait till after you pay for another one (next year) to apply for your money back.

Not a problem if that's okay with you.

Whatever components you want to take before August have to be paid for by February 29th.  This means Component 1, also.

If you want to use the $500 the county provides as "seed money" you can pay for one component and file with the county for reimbursement.  However, since that $500 could be used for something else you find essential in this process (for example, I bought a multi-directional microphone to make sure I captured all the class discussion for mine), then you may want to make decisions about your best use of all the available monies.

Sometimes it just comes down to finances, though, and the language of the policy does specifically say the intent is to help eliminate barriers to pursuing national board certification.

Lastly, the state does reimburse additional costs up to $600.  Some people use that for graduate class tuition or any other expenses besides paying for your components.  (I had to use some money to pay a photography shop to transfer my video tape to DVD back in the day, for example.)

I have heard you have not yet been paid for the meetings first semester--I will check on that today.

I am just hoping that this helps you strategize financially.  Happy Teaching!  Joetta

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New Deadline for Payment and Registration

The National Board has extended the deadline for payment and registration to February 29th.  You can also change your certification area by then, if you please.  Regardless of when you pay or have paid, remember that you can file for reimbursement from the State of WV right away.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reimbursement for NBCT Fees

You can file for reimbursement as soon as you have a receipt for paying for two components to the National Board!

Go here and scroll down to "Form 37."  You do not have to submit before you receive reimbursement for the first half of the total cost (enrollment costs.)  You will get the second half back after you have submitted all four of your components.

So if you have already paid for two components, FILE now!  :-)  I got mine back three weeks after I filed but my friend took 6 weeks to get hers back due to the schedule of the WV legislature that had to vote on it.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Important Dates

The following chart is applicable to candidates submitting components for scoring during the 2015-16 assessment cycle.
2015-16 Important Dates and Deadlines
Registration Window
May 2015January 31, 2016
Fee Payment Deadline
January 31, 2016
Change of Certificate and/or Specialty Area
January 31, 2016
Change of Component Selection
January 31, 2016
ePortfolio Submission Window
April 1May 18, 2016
Withdrawal Deadline
January 31, 2016
Component 1: Content Knowledge Testing Window
MarchJune 15, 2016
Scores Released
On or before December 31, 2016