Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Payment Due by January 31st

Good morning!  Many of you have double-checked with me that all payments for components are due by the 31st to the National Board.

Print your receipts from your profile on the website and bring them with you to the next meeting.  If you bring a completed Form 37, I will help you file for reimbursement-- I can take your forms to Susan Steadman the next day.  You can also take them yourself or pony them, if you wish.

You will be reimbursed after you've paid for your first two components now, and for two more when you complete the process.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Welcome, 2017!

A new year and a new you.  :-)
You, who are investing in your classroom teaching and your students now more than ever.
You, who are investing in yourself, too!

Before January 31st, you will decide which Components to pay for.  Even if you are taking the test (Component 1) in May or June, you have to pay for it by January 31st.

Here are some important dates and deadlines from the Guide to NB Certification: