Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Agenda for November Cohort Meeting

There are still two meetings available to you this semester, if you'd like to attend.  Choose either Lincoln High School this evening at 3:30, or Mountaineer Middle School at 3:00 Thursday.

Here is the agenda:

Harrison County NBCT Cohort Support 

November 28, 2017                               November 30, 2017
Lincoln High School Library                     MMS Computer Lab 
3:30-5:30                                                3:00-5:00 

Purpose:  To build a cohort of accomplished teachers committed to further development of their teaching skills through the medium of reflective practice. 

3:30   Sign-in and Announcements 

3:45   Discussion of Component 3 Videos and Student Engagement 

4:45   Develop a checklist for Component 4 

5:25   Exit Tickets on Colored Notecards 

"Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude."  
--A.A. Milne 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

What Are Strategies?

Here is an article that discusses a strategy for helping students appreciate their own growth.  It might be useful as an example for answering questions that ask, "What strategies..."  I will tell you right now that I am not the poster child for remembering and using many different strategies.

Your components 2&3 ask for strategies for differentiation and engagement.  Can you point to concrete methods similar to this one which you use to get the desired outcomes for your students?

What are some strategies YOU have used, heard of, or seen in other classrooms that you would like to try?  They don't have to be for differentiation or engagement, but they could be.  I'd love to see us brainstorming in the COMMENTS section.  

Monday, November 6, 2017

Calling for Guest Posts!

There you are!  Do you have ideas for differentiation or engagement strategies for our NBCT candidates? Would you be willing to share your expertise?  What other amazing resources have you found for teachers?

Send me your guest blog posts in a Word file and I'll share your post right here on Harco NBCT.

Include a short bio and profile picture, please.